Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Taste. The smell has been compared to a combination of pineapples and bananas. In the wilds of the jungle Monstera can expand to be massive.

Monstera Deliciosa is sometimes called Fruit Salad Plant in English because the fruit of the Monstera tastes a bit like just about every delicious fruit that exists. They are known by many names such as Mexican Breadfruit Fruit Salad Plant and more commonly the Swiss Cheese Plant. The taste is also very similar to pineapple and is said to be a cross between pineapple banana and mango also reminiscent of jackfruit.
When the fruit of the monstera plant is ready to eat it is said to smell wonderful and to have a flavor evocative of fruit salad.
The smell has been compared to a combination of pineapples and bananas. When the fruit of the monstera plant is ready to eat it is said to smell wonderful and to have a flavor evocative of fruit salad. Delicious monster fruit is packed with lots of vitamin C and some protein being particularly good for athletes and those recovering from radiotherapy. Names of Monstera Deliciosa in various languages of the world are also given.